I haven’t been inspired to write for more than a week. It seems that recent world events have had a numbing effect, thereby directing my cursor to stand at attention and blink – (at ease). Besides the obvious apocalyptic events, there’s been a myriad of subtle spirit killers. Take the fact we have to endure Jay Leno (again) in a key timeslot, the only person on earth less funny than a Family Circus cartoon strip:
I spent the last few days in search of some perspective when it occurred to me - the problem is that I no longer have ‘calming icons’ in my life. In the past, these stewards of peacefulness (e.g., Mr. O’Rourke from Fantasy Island) and/or soothing omnipotent voices of clarity (e.g., bald guy from 7up commercial) would remind me that ‘everything is gonna be alright’. I am not talking about the peacefulness provided by a backlit, zero-emissions, cloud-driving God or even family. I am speaking of the subtle, supporting role characters in our lives that help us deal with our unbearable lightness of being (“Peaceful People”).
In the beginning, it was Mr. Roger’s peaceful voice and ritualistic sweater change (although, even at age four I remember thinking, ‘dude, give us a break and change the sweater before the show starts, we are all dying to see that train’). Regardless, Rogers provided years of quiet reassurance to the throngs of us that toiled with getting rid of our blankies and finalizing our approach to #2.
Let’s not forget John Denver as another example and his invitation to ‘take us back home to country road’. As a child, while winding through Yellowstone on the annual family road trip (aka deathmarch) my parents would play Denver’s battery of mountain goodness in an endless loop. This music soothed my mind as I drifted from excited vacationer and surveyor of Americana to vomiteer’ of the backseat (note: I still feel a bit sad that Denver left this world strapped to a lawnmower powered kite. I am not sure if there is irony here – the ‘unbearable ultra-lightness of being’). I digress.
I could also go on and on about the benefits of watching Bob Ross but, unfortunately, the nostalgia’s starting to wear on me. The point is that the world has lost its peaceful characters and it’s time to find new ones. Even our funny people are battling for late night supremacy.
So, I find myself on a search and at a bit of a loss as to where to start since I don’t watch much TV. It initially occurred to me that I should explore this Twitter thing, as an audition of sorts, for my peace purveyor openings. For those that know me ‘yes’, I still find Twitter annoying and remain convinced the whole operation is run by the Chirch of Seeuntologie. I can’t bring myself to use the correct spelling as I fear 'Seeuntologists' are web-scraping for naysayers and I don’t want Tohm Crooze showing up at my doorstep. I digress, again.
Regardless, I’ve kicked off my search. In the past week I’ve actually found bit of solace in a few unlikely potential tranquility providers:
Snoop Dog. Don’t judge, it’s relaxing to watch Snoop’s tweets. Last week, while standing in a Soviet era line at Starbucks (impatiently tapping my foot and stressed about my day), I saw this go by on Twitter, “Ayo wat it do my tweezleators!” I wasn’t exactly sure what it meant but I liked it. I wanted to yell to the whole yuppie filled room, “AYO wat it DO my Coffeelators!” It’s all-good, thanks Snoop Dog.
Milla Jojovich. Again, don’t judge, it’s important to track the ongoing plight of the supermodel and ensure everything they do remains ‘super’. Life got ya down? - just tune in and maybe you will get lucky like I was to see, “Oh hi all, I missed you so much. I just got back from my honeymoon on St. Barts and it was so beautiful. We got back safely and everyone is so happy.” Your first response might be nausea but that’s just your own egocentric jealously. Fight through that and maybe you’ll find a slice of peace knowing the cosmos takes care of people like Milla, just not you. Don’t be so jealous. Stop it.
The search continues.
As a side, it would be nice to settle on a peaceful iconic soul with some Mayan lineage; I may need to know the 2012 Apocalypse ‘isn’t going to be all that bad’. I remain open to suggestions and am accepting applications.
Interesting that you've found some solace and calm on Twitter. So far I continue to be tied in knots after spending time there. Is it social? Voyeuristic? Narcissistic? I used to follow a few celebrities, but unfollowed them because of the "noise". I might try Snoop. I truly just DIG him. I think his perpetually stoned calm, appeals to this funky, uptight, white girl.
If I think of any suggestions, I'll let you know.
Posted by: Chris | 01/26/2010 at 03:59 AM
I am taking a break from Twitter. That's how stressed it makes me. Too much pressure to be 'on.'
As for your post, you left out Romper Room! (Side note: My sons' elementary music teacher was ON Romper Room -- Judy Shue.)
And what? I didn't know that Denver died that way. Whoa.
Posted by: slouchy | 01/26/2010 at 07:57 AM
Ricardo Montalban? The dee-o-double-g? For shizzle.
I also recall feeling ease when listening to the Dukes of Hazzard theme song.
I have not been able to make Twitter work for me. Mark Twain would have had the best tweets.
Posted by: Stephen | 01/27/2010 at 09:11 AM
Too funny as we toil with Twitter. I think it's like internet streaking...it's quick, somewhat meaningless, and everyone's watching and wondering why the hell you are doing it.
Slouchy and Chris are master bloggers though so I will take their twitter pained lead.
Stephen - we should have a list of the people in history we would like to have seen Twitter. Like Ben Franklin.."just put the kite up in the electric storm, trying without key at end, will then !@#$!@$!@$ -----'
Posted by: Kelly | 01/27/2010 at 10:58 AM
Internet streaking. Nice! Enjoyed your posts, Kelly. Me, I can't do anything with the word Twit in it.... and I'm always decrying my brothers to get their noses out of their iProducts, but that's just me.
Snoop Dog, however -- you're right on target. Dude's been a guest a few times on the daytime show where I work and his presence on set produces a great big wave of calm. I'm a fan.
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Posted by: viagra online | 08/04/2011 at 08:52 AM
Slouchy and Chris are master bloggers though so I will take their twitter pained lead.
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